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The enduring disagreement between all three Faiths of Abraham is the identity of the long expected Messiah. While Christianity has long asserted someone named Jesus will return, Judaism has wisely avoided such arrogance, and now comes proof why.
The sudden exit of Pope Benedict, the rapid selection of Francis, and all the resulting hoopla were designed to hide growing signs the Vatican knows the prophecies of their demise are quickly coming true, and all efforts to prevent it are failing.
History records how groups like the Essenes, Gnostics, Ebionites, Cathars, Templars and others were ruthlessly eliminated by Rome, and their knowledge destroyed, because they possessed some evidence that contradicted the Bible or Christian dogma.
While struggling to hide the true meaning of the recent Talpiot Tomb findings, the Jesus Discovery team blunders into a trap set by the Hebrew author of the Book of Revelation, exposing Christian Rome's darkest secret to the bright light.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, delivers proof, beyond disproof, of an extremely ancient spiritual and philosophical technology that predates all current religions and mystery schools.
Numerous signs now point to a growing state of panic at the Vatican because of publication of stunning and comprehensive new proof that pivotal religious assertions are blatant lies, and many religious leaders have always known it.
It should now be obvious to all that US leaders, in their unmatched arrogance, are desperately struggling to hide something absolutely earth-shattering from the citizens of this world, using a wide array of misdirection, mass distractions, and fear.
After yet another round of political debates and clueless behavior, this is the perfect moment to reflect on how far away from the intentions of the founding fathers this nation and its leaders have strayed, and how we can finally start to fix it.
The unsealing of long-hidden ancient secrets now provides stunning proof of precisely what certain religious, political, and monetary leaders have been so desperate to hide, for so long.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols delivers proof, beyond disproof, that pivotal religious assertions are blatant lies, many religious leaders have always known so, and are still struggling to hide this now verifiable fact.
A literal interpretation of the Star of Bethlehem story is vital to the Christmas narrative, but like all Hebrew parables of this period it purposely encodes stunning details long-hidden from religious leaders by the ancient sages and prophets.
In light of recent desperate actions by our deeply corrupted Congress, it is vital to remember that Benjamin Franklin warned lawmakers who sacrifice our freedoms for an illusion of safety, that they deserve neither freedom nor safety themselves.
As the blatantly deceptive global monetary systems continue their inexorable implosion, while millions across the planet are in open revolt, it is now undeniable that human civilization is on the verge of a calamitous collapse.
The American Dream Film is an excellent animated expose of the US Federal Reserve System and the absolutely stunning deceptions that underlie the concept of money, but it also purposely encodes several hidden messages and stunning secrets.
Hurricanes Irene and Katia, the 9th and 11th named storms of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season prove that both science and religion are wrong regarding vital aspects about how our realities come into being and operate.
The cross and four elements came to us through Egypt from a more ancient source and actually model the same wisdom as the wheel of dharma and the science explored in Wholeness and the Implicate Order, but in a much simpler and elegant manner.
Much has been said about the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues over the centuries, but now there is verifiable proof of what they truly are and where the concept originated.
704 years ago, in 1307, the Church and King of France utterly failed at their ultimate goal of capturing and burying the stunning secrets guarded by the Knights Templar.
Hot on the heels of OSX Lion for the Mac, a lion of another stripe leaps onto flowing-text capable e-book readers and tablets like the Ipad, Kindle, Nook, and others.
A vital reason for the symbology of the USA is to encode proof, for those living during 2011, that certain long-expected events would occur during 2011, not at the end of 2012 as far too many have been misled to believe.
Key founders of the USA expertly and redundantly encoded hidden symbolic messages throughout our national symbols, including the purposeful choice of July 4th, 1776 for the absolutely stunning details this very unique date encapsulates.
Revolution by exactly 13 founding US colonies was no mere coincidence of history, but a precise plan merging ancient Egyptian wisdom with insights into pivotal prophecies, which were encoded within the symbology of the Great Seal of the USA as proof.
Pivotal numeric symbols, such as the numbers 7, 11, 13, and 14, have long encoded profound spiritual wisdom and advanced science, including the links between karma and the hidden structure of our universe and resulting reality.
Most Egyptologists seem to have missed or completely misunderstood the ancient Egyptian obsession with truth and justice and the pivotal role they played in their symbology, philosophy, and cosmology for thousands of years.
Ancient wisdom and the supporting science demonstrate that a nation's misdeeds, as directed by its leaders, creates "collective karma" that results in negative future outcomes such as the recent disasters experienced by the USA and others.
Numerous recent events and disasters occurring in association with the number 11 provide dramatic new evidence that our universe, and the realities we collectively experience, are far more malleable and interactive than most scientists have grasped.
The ancient sages and prophets symbolically encoded all of their prophecies and vital texts and hid the keys from religious leaders so a far future generation could finally be freed from the ancient deceptions underlying all current religions.
Starting over 11 millennia ago, a long line of sages and prophets sent forth symbolically encoded science and wisdom about our existence that has long been purposely confounded and misrepresented by religious leaders and other spiritual charlatans.
The stories of Noah and the Ark, Atlantis, and the Egyptian Zep Tepi narrative all allude to a period of advanced human civilization that was destroyed by the rapid ending of the last ice age and the great chaos that followed, circa 11,000 years ago.
A growing number of religious and political leaders are struggling to hide stunning proof that the long-awaited "Messiah" is already here, decisively proving they know their religions are blatant deceptions used to dupe billions over the millennia.
Eleven thousand years ago, at the end of the last ice age, the ancient sage-scientists of a doomed advanced civilization undertook a long-term plan to deliver the wisdom required to prevent the complete destruction of our cycle of civilization.
The ancient sages and prophets used advanced symbology to encode proof of religious lies, but they also purposely encoded the wisdom necessary for humanity to end ages-old problems and establish a truly wise and just global civilization.
Ancient prophecies redundantly predict that the Vatican will cease to exist after its deceptions are widely exposed. Currently unfolding events are shaking the Vatican to its core and will soon lead directly to its long-predicted demise.
The recent devastating earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand and northern Japan followed a very precise pattern that was predicted using the wisdom that flows from the symbology of ancient Egypt and utilized within the Great Seal of The USA.
Proof of the truth about the meaning and purpose of the symbology of the Great Seal of the USA proves most US lawmakers are either clueless or purposely deceptive regarding the ultimate goals of those that founded the USA and created its symbols.
The founders of the USA left deeply encrypted and time-encoded messages for future citizens and lawmakers. More astounding is where and how they were hidden, what they were designed to prove, and why they are being revealed now.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, presents redundant proof that George Washington, and other founders of the USA, used the ancient star-time code in pivotal national symbols to send a time-coded message to the future.
Seven Star Hand, the author of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, reveals more insights into Freemasonry's 33rd Degree and why the Vatican has long feared what it proves.
In the effort to shame US and world leaders into ending the so-called War on Terror, Seven Star Hand, the author of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, reveals insights into Freemasonry's 33rd Degree and why the Vatican fears what they know.
At this time of great shock and sadness across the USA following the latest violent episode, perhaps now is the perfect moment to reflect on how far away from the intentions of the founding fathers this nation has strayed, and how to finally fix it.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols by Seven Star Hand reveals a devastating ancient secret, encoded by the Dead Sea Scrolls burial method. It proves core religious assertions are blatant lies which religious leaders have always known about.
Joining the so-called "War on Christmas," Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, presents stunning and comprehensive new proof that the religious stories underlying this holiday season are purposeful deceptions.
For most of the last two millennia, Christian Rome terrorized myriad souls for simply trying to understand the truth about our existence in this universe. Now there is comprehensive proof of precisely why they have deceived so many, for so long.